Friday, June 2, 2017


I made the chopsticks and chopstick rest (and the food, but that's not really the point), not the plates
Some projects are complicated. Some are tapered pieces of wood. This is a post about the later. I made "Japanese" style chopsticks from paduak and walnut, post and pics after the jump.

Paduak is a tropical hardwood with a striking natural reddish orange color. Often  used as an accent in furniture, it does shine on its own. Walnut is a rich chocolate brown.

The chopsticks taper to a fine point and are roughly octagonal at the tip. "Japanese" style chopsticks (so I'm told) tend to have a narrower tip than do "Chinese" style chopsticks. I readily admit my general level of ignorance on the matter, and cop to making this statement based exclusively on this link. So if if I'm wrong, I blame that guy.

The other end ("back?") gets contoured in a shallow pyramid shape.

The chopstick rest is just oak, but I like keeping everything nice and simple. The "finish" on everything is natural, food-safe, mineral oil. The same stuff that goes on cutting boards.

I put a listing up on Etsy, and am happy to make them from any material you may want. Just shoot me a message, and we'll figure it out.






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