Friday, December 5, 2014


No doubt you will all be judging me as to the content (or lack) of my shelves.
So a while back (long enough ago that I actually am not 100% sure what year) I decided that I needed a bookcase of some quality. Honestly, it was probably around senior year in college, but I'm not sure. In any case, I built this maple and walnut bookcase. Details and pics after the jump.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

12" Birdseye Maple Magnetic Knife Strips

Not Designed To Be Used As Pictured
Since I've posted a few of these before I'm pretty much just going to post a bunch of pictures these two 12" magnetic knife strips that I made for someone.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Full Length Mirror

My cousin Barry's wife wanted a full length mirror, so a full length mirror she received.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Spalted Maple Knife Strip 2.0 - Picture With Customer's Knives

Despite the US Postal Service's best efforts to not deliver it, looks like the knife strip arrived. The customer sent me this picture of it holding some really cool knives. That cleaver has a sweet blade, and the chef's knife has an awesome grip. Thanks for the response; I'm glad you like it.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Afromosia Diploma Frames

Pictured: Proof I'm a Warrior
Well I went a fancy school for some book-learnin' and purchased from them not one, but two, fancy sheepskin documents with gold-coloreds seal and autopen signatures on 'em. One even has Latin on it (I guess both do if you count "juris"). I figured if I had fancy diplomas that they needed fancy frames.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Spalted Maple Knife Strip 2.0

This isn't the first knife stip rodeo, but it does warrant a new post as it is a recent commission that I received. For the sake of the new buyer, I wanted to do a special post for their new knife strip and detail a little about the material and to say a few things about caring for the material.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ash Double Frame

It's heavier than it looks
I've been doing a lot with frames of late, and am not done yet. This bad boy has a few unique attributes that I either haven't done before, or haven't done the same way before. Details after the jump...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Miter Joints

In a stunning development, the lead picture for a post on miter joints is of a miter joint!
If two pieces of wood come together, they form a joint. There are a lot of different joints. One that is pretty common (Look at almost any picture frame. Are you looking at one? Good. Odds are you're looking at a frame chock full of (probably 4) miter joints) is a miter joint.

"Oh my will he end the suspense and talk about the miter joints already."

Sure. Since you asked nicely.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Foil Sheath

En garde
This doesn't have anything to do with woodworking, but it does involve (faux) combat, so I say it belongs. (Also, as the author it belongs because I say it does).

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Afromosia Frames - Don't Tread On Me

Don't Tread on Me
This fine country of ours has a spectacular history. The struggle against tyranny is imprinted on our national identity, and one of the symbols of that struggle is the Gadsden Flag. An image as timeless as that requires a frame to match...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wine Rack 4.0 - Mahogany and Maple

I've made them for friends; I've made them for family; this time, I made one for myself.

Picture-palooza after the jump...